
Resorts, HOAs, universities, office parks, campgrounds, zoos, etc.

Zntri supports campuses where different groups must collaborate frequently to ensure incidents are resolved and requests fulfilled within a specified time period. Communication among campus members is facilitated through broadcasts, notifications, and messages.

Use cases are limited only by your imagination. Here are some scenarios. Can you think of any others for your situation?

At universities, students and staff can form their own groups where members of each have access to a selection of tools tailored for them. Students can request any services involving housing, dining, and or disability. Staff can seek maintenance, lecture equipment, etc. The calendar keeps university members updated on community events like upcoming guest speakers, cultural festivals, or club fairs.

At resorts, Zntri can provide a similar structure where staff and guests are organized into their own groups. Guests have the opportunity to request services like room cleaning, concierge assistance, etc. to make their stay more comfortable. Staff may request internal services that are responsible for certain tasks like inspections, security, and maintenance. The calendar would be a useful resource for guests who can see events like local concerts, excursions, or transportation schedules. Staff could also use the calendar to sign up for training and other work-related events.

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